Gaswell Heights leak causes odors, evacuations and heartaches

The Becker #1 well, a Cutter Oil well next to Helen Dunlap’s property had a little “burp” in the last 24 hours, and residents of Royalwood Road and neighboring the Oakwood development are paying the price for the accident.

This well, in which Cutter Oil began fracking (injecting chemicals, some of which are carcinogens) last Monday, October 17, 2001, has all of its storage tanks on the property belonging to Council President Dunlap and her husband Brian. These tanks store natural gas, crude oil, and brine from the well.

Earlier this morning, reports indicate that a cap was missing on one of the reservoirs in the tank storage area. Gas escaped from the reservoir and an overpowering smell was detected by dozens of adjoining homeowners. Then, later in the day, homeowners in Oakwood, who live the closest to the well and containment area, were overwhelmed by the odor of gas again.

The gas emitting from the containment on Helen Dunlap’s property could be seen in a haze hovering above the tank by one resident of Oakwood.  The odor of gas was noticeable in the home of three residents in Oakwood.  Some families have decided to remove their children from their homes tonight.  The well has been shut down pending a check on its operation.

The Broadview Heights Fire Department was called twice to the scene of the leak on Thursday, once in the morning and once later in the day.

Here’s the story:

Some parents with young children have left their homes with the families as a precaution. Parents are wisely deciding not to expose their sons and daughters to the risks of contracting asthma and other respiratory disease. Research has shown that exposure to natural gas can cause permanent lung damage.

Councilwoman Dunlap – are you are putting your personal interests above those of your fellow residents in/around Royalwood Road, Osage Way, Falls Lane, and other homes near your property?

As reported back on August 19, Helen Dunlap’s campaign committee accepted a campaign contribution from Cutter Oil’s Elizabeth Cutter.  After receiving the donation, Dunlap moved to expedite approval of other wells in Broadview Heights for Cutter Oil.

On September 15, 2010, Helen Dunlap and her husband Brian signed a lease with Cutter Oil for a one-eighth royalty of oil and gas on their property.

Here’s a link to that original story:

We now have more than 86 natural gas/oil wells in Broadview Heights, and that number will go to 90+ before the end of 2011.

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Helen Dunlap, as well as the rest of Broadview Heights City Council, all voted “yes” for on a “sense of Council” resolution calling for a ban fracking in the last two weeks. A bill to ban fracking is coming up in the Ohio Senate.

QUESTION – How could Council President Dunlap vote “YES” to ban fracking, then have fracking occur on the well adjoining her property just a few days after the vote??

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